daniel holtwiesche | PORTFOLIO

Forum Gesundheit

CI and logo design for a provider of healthcare services

Naming and development of an identity-creating logo for a free association of co-operating therapists from different disciplines.

The principle of interdisciplinary dialogue and the offer of comprehensive, holistic therapy was to be symbolised.

In addition to the immediately recognisable words forum (platform for open dialogue) and health, the words "form" and "um" as well as an „und" (in the middle of health) can also be associated.

The last-mentioned words and syllables, in particular, stimulate various other meaningful associations for word and sentence formations in the viewer.

The element linking the two words - forum + gesundheit - is the letter "U", which is used only once and linking all together.

This vowel has been given a vessel-like design that extends from the upper word Forum down to the word Gesundheit below.

The abstract form in the letter U, consisting of two interlocking drops rotated through 180°, serves as a point of identification for the viewer, who can thus feel secure.

© Daniel Holtwiesche

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